Archive 20220821

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[Panel 1]
A stoup of metheglin,
an it please you.

And how many
pubs could you
say THAT in?

(And still expect to get served?)

[Panel 2]
Not enough.

So is Nils,
you know?

Yup. He's been talking
to the library, and
planning his next mini
games convention, and
the one after that.

[Panel 3]
Hang on, isn't there already
a games convention pretty
much every weekend?

How long have
you known Nils?

Have you EVER known him
be put off something by
mere impracticality?

So he's going to be like this until
something distracts him, isn't he?

[Panel 4]
Or his scheduling software
becomes conscious and kicks
off the robot revolution.

Looks as if I'm crashing
in the storeroom again
tonight. I don't know how
you can take the muttering.

Books are very good
at absorbing sound.

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