Archive 20220828

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[Panel 1]
It… is…

all right I just fitted
some more memory in
the small laptop.

Good. I suppose?

Well, it still works.

[Panel 2]
And it'll make things a bit
faster when I'm away from home.

And will you be?

Yup. Off to the games show
in Scotland this weekend.

[Panel 3]
Two crates of games, one small
bag with clothes and things, one
large bag full of bottles of
Jaakko's homebrew energy drink.

It's sugar isn't it?

AND caffeine!

[Panel 4]
Anyway, you should tell me
these things BEFORE I get
in a barrel of mild for you.

I'm sure it won't
go to waste.

No doubt. But I'm also
sure that it'll be gone
by the time you get home.

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