Archive 20221204

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[Panel 1]
The pub seemed emptier than
it's been the last couple
of weeks. Anything up?

Well, the first
round of the World
Cup is over.

The what?

A televised sporting
contest, m'lud.

[Panel 2]
Oh, do they still have them?

Bread and circuses,
dear boy, and bread's
too expensive.

But anyway Bell doesn't
have a telly there.

[Panel 3]
So every OTHER pub was full
of people wanting to watch
the games, so WE got…

Oh. Right. Refugees.

That's why Bell had the folk
club in upstairs, to drown out
any shouts from outside.

[Panel 4]
I assumed it was… um…
actually I don't think I could
come up with a reason.

Well, there is a
visceral experience
that goes with massed

Sure, but does it make
people buy more beer?

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