Archive 20230108

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[Panel 1]
Seen Nils anywhere?

No, he's off on
some gaming jolly.

And you're not?

[Panel 2]
Some of us had to work on Friday.

SOME of us move
actual things
about rather than
going tappity
on a keyboard.

And some of you are still here
for the barrel of Black Cat
Mild I'm putting on tonight.

[Panel 3]
Ooh. I'd better join the queue now.

Steady on. Not
for another five
hours at least.

It's all right. I'll bring
some poetry to share with
everyone while they're waiting.

[Panel 4]
What a shame Burns
never wrote an Ode
to a Barrel of Mild.

Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
Great chieftain o' the brewing-race!

The groaning pitcher there ye fill?

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