Archive 20230205

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[Panel 1]
I don't know, everything seems
to be going wrong today.

Must be Blue Monday
or something.

That was made up in 2005
by a holiday company.

[Panel 2]
Then Yellow February. If they
can make things up so can I.

It could be much
better if you'd just
join the Cult…

Oh, no. I know your sort. First
it's just a little harmless
murdering homeless people…

[Panel 3]
…but then before you know it
you're wanting metheglin on
the bar and the upstairs room
every Wednesday night.

Um, we have
that already.


[Panel 4]
You negotiated it as the price for
me teaching you mediaeval cooking.

Oh. Did I?

Must have been
a good deal then.

Yes, Frumenty Night will be the
talk of all the pubs in London…

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