Archive 20230305

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[Panel 1]
Ready for games in Harrogate?

Is it that
time already?

Seems like just yesterday we were
hauling your games trolley through
the rain to the bed and breakfast…

[Panel 2]
Easier than carrying
the games though.

Not arguing.

But I think I may have
forgotten to book a room.

[Panel 3]
That'll be a problem then. I think
Harrogate is pretty much full.

I'm sure Katya has
a floor I can borrow.

Didn't she get married?

[Panel 4]
Yes, but she can't have
spawned yet. She's still
got time to play games.

I suppose it's
ONE measure…

Only one that matters. If I
wanted tiny horrors crashing
through while I'm doing something
else, there are bad boardgames
I could be playing instead.

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