Archive 20230312

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[Panel 1]
Ah, I thought I might
catch you here.


Quite. We're getting an
Ashes tournament togather.

Who's we?

[Panel 2]
Knitting, Crocheting and
World Domination Circle.

Am I going to
get out of this
in one piece?

Of course! Your skin's much
too dry to make good leather.

Thanks. I think.

[Panel 3]
Anyway, we're up to seven, so…

Sure, count me in.

Oh, and you weren't planning
to sleep tonight, were you?

[Panel 4]
I don't need to drive till,
um, carry the three… no.

What day is it anyway?

I haven't the faintest idea.
At some point my phone will
tell me it's eight hours till
we set off home. Until then
I'm on Convention Time.

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