Archive 20231217

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[Panel 1]
So basically your problem is
that you've been going away
to gaming conventions every
third weekend since Essen.

No, the problem
is that now
that's over.

And you have to wait
for the next one for…?

[Panel 2]
FOUR weeks.

Interrupted only by…?

Boxing Day Games.

[Panel 3]
But that's different!
I have to host it.

Will you or will
you not be playing
games all day?

Well, yes, but it's not the
same if I'm not eating a huge
grotty hotel breakfast first.

[Panel 4]
Not touching that. But I bet
your gaming convention doesn't
buy in a barrel of real beer,
freshly tapped that morning.


Just bear in mind
you have to finish it.

That's just how selfless I am.

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