Archive 20240609

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[Panel 1]
Strong ale, please. They've
extended the window.

Sounds tricky.
Wouldn't the
glass break?

No, for nominations for the
Employee Awards for Excellence.

[Panel 2]
Sounds very corporate.

Yeah, vice-chancellors are
basically big business
live role-players.

Anyway, nobody's nominating
anyone because we don't know
where this thing came from or
why they're suddenly doing it.

[Panel 3]
If I were a paranoid woman
(which of course I am not…)

Of COURSE not.

I'd think they were finding out
who does the real work holding
the university together, so that
they could sack them, then it
all falls apart and they bring
in the expensive outsourcers.

[Panel 4]
…what's it LIKE
living in your head?

Very cold and dark. At
night the weasels come.

…and one pint of Witch's Heart.

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