Archive 20240616

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[Panel 1]
Hi Nils… what are you up to?

Getting ready
for a braai!

Oh. OH!

[Panel 2]
Well, I stopped having them
for the pandemic. But now
it's clear the pandemic isn't
going to end any time soon…

And it is an
outdoor event…

And that goat mince in the freezer
isn't going to burger itself.

[Panel 3]
Exactly! And the boerewors won't
be the same without a 'bok but
I'll just have to make do.

Any plans for beer?

No time to put a brew on. I'll
just have to buy some in.

[Panel 4]
If only you knew a publican who
could sell you some ends of barrels
and give them a few days to settle.

Hey, thanks!

At a VERY reasonable rate.

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