[Panel 1]
Speaking of new tenants...
I'm not that hard up yet!
...I think we already have one.
Tell me not in the shower.
I NEED that shower.
[Panel 2]
I won't argue. You're
too wiped to argue.
# (grum)
ANYhow -- When did you last draw
back the curtains in your room?
Uh... New Year's. I was
watching the fireworks.
Sunlight fades the carpet.
[Panel 3]
Like you'd know.... I needed
to make some coffee earlier.
Behind my curtains?
No, but I KNOW we've got at
least thirty mugs, and I could
only find one, so...
Oh. Yeah, I've been
meaning to get round to
washing some up some time.
[Panel 4]
I think you may have left it too
late. I swear one of them said
"not furnished, you fascist"
when I started to pick it up.
Donner. Nothing else for it:
I'll get Camille onto it.
[style 8way]
Or maybe not. They
might gang up on us.
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