Archive 20060312

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[Panel 1]
Oh, hi, Elizabeth. Did you sleep well?

mphl phlug.

Would you like me to
make you a cup of tea?

grmf trgl?

Oh, come on, it's been
almost a week now. You have
to get over it sometime.

Would you prefer hemlock?


[Panel 2]
Bell, you know that when
she DOES sleep she takes
forever to wake up again.

Try it slowly so
it gets through...

Oh, right.



# off

The kettle's on. I'll get it.

[Panel 3]
No, DON'T sit there...

# (in a chair)
Uh? Oh, sorry...

Never mind. They weren't
all that important. Just
very, very fragile...

Did someone say "tea"?

# (off)
I did. Tea.

I think I may be regaining
the will to live.

[Panel 4]
# bending over with tea mug
Well, good. Your going around
muttering about history
judging the judges has
been a bit tedious for
the rest of us, you know.

I changed my mind. As
that politician said,
God will judge them.

Hah! You know, my reaction
to that was "and the sooner
the better, in his case".

California is
earthquake country...

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