Archive 20060423

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[Panel 1]
...and that's why we need to find
everyone who's bought AmalConglom
stock through us in the last week and
shoot them before they talk to the press.

Fair enough. I'll get on it.

Before you dash off, now that we're
all recovered from Christmas, how
about that dinner? Thursday?

I'd love to, but I don't know, I've
got a lot of coding to catch up on...

[Panel 2]

Steak, potatoes, gravy,
random veg from the garden...

On the other hand coding can
always be done some other time.

So you do have some
ideas about food outside
bits of crunchy pigskin!

Sure I do. I know what
sounds good, anyhow.

[Panel 3]
This is an invitation for me too?

If it is, then yes please and thank
you very much and is there anything
we ought to bring with us?

Partners, maybe. It's always
good to do things properly
and have even numbers.

Ach, my partner is back in
Northern Ostrobothnia.
So we'd be a girl short.

[Panel 4]
I might be able to get my
flatmates to come along --
I think you'd like them, Ginny.

Only trouble is,
Thursday can
be a bit tricky.
knows that
happens on
Thursdays, so
everyone always
meetings then.

On the other
hand, knowing
those two
they'd skip
any meeting
if they're
offered good
food and good

Bell might even be prepared
to miss her knitting circle...

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