Archive 20080427

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[Panel 1]
Not that I'm complaining - I like
this kind of cloak and dagger -
but why did we have to come
through the ducts?

Security cameras. And they have
simple locks on the gratings.

So there are no security
cameras in this part?

The two that matter have brown bags
on their heads since Friday night.

[Panel 2]
Why did it have to be
this weekend anyway?

Because the new boss will come
in on Monday. It's got to be
part of the scenery in Derek's
old office when he arrives.

So all this is hush-hush?
Not just the getting in?

Well, yes...

[Panel 3]
Donner, they've locked up
his office since we left.
How do we get round that?

Through the ceiling spaces?

The state those tiles are in, we
might put our feet through them.

I am on call this weekend, you know.

[Panel 4]

I have the keys to
the whole building.

All that duct crawling...
Why didn't you tell me?

You were having such fun
with the Master Plan.

Jaakko, I love you
like a brother, but...

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