Archive 20080921

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[Panel 1]
I saw Blackmalkin the other day.

You've NAMED it?

[Panel 2]
Only so I can tell her from all the
other stray cats. Don't panic, Nils.

I was in the cafe
out front, and they
had a bowl of lentil
soup down for her.

I think they might be adopting her.

[Panel 3]
Ah. Don't count your chickens.

I was down there
too, and that was
just before she
brought them back
a fresh lamb chop
as a "what a good
hunter I am"

Then they got a bit edgy. So
I think she's still looking
for somewhere to live.

[Panel 4]
Oh, THAT's what happened
to my lamb chop...

Last time she came here to live
we were infested for weeks.

And they MEWED.

Lock all the windows. Do it now.

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