Archive 20081019

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[Panel 1]
It's quite funny
listening to Jaakko and
Nils when they've been
reading Freecycle.

Well, some of the things
people want to get rid
of are fairly amazing.

True. Even so, they get
pretty het up. Especially
Jaakko about exercise bikes.

[Panel 2]
Well, so do I.


No, about perfectly good lawnmowers
and hedge-clippers and strimmers
that they've cut through the flex
so they want to get rid of them.

Why not just rewire them?

My parents wouldn't know how.

[Panel 3]
MY mum thinks that electricity
leaks into the room out of empty
sockets, and goes around turning
them off.

Oh, come off
it, that's out
of Thurber!

He must have known my
mum, is all I can say.

[Panel 4]
Well, I'm all for it.

What, women who
can't wire a plug?

No, but since freecycle got
going none of us has had to
buy ANY new machines for
the Aged Parents' garden.

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