Archive 20080928

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[Panel 1]
Have you been in the boss's
office recently, Ginny?

Yup, couple of times
yesterday. Why?

Well, you're a woman...

Last time I checked.

And she's a woman...

Is that meant to suggest that
we're sisters or something? Because
I'll tell you now, she's an
orphan as far as I'm concerned.

[Panel 2]
Good. Because if she isn't a buddy
of yours maybe you can tell me...

Do NORMAL women
keep knitted cactuses
on their desks?

Do I LOOK as if I know
any normal women?

But no, I don't think so.

So what do you reckon
she keeps it for?

[Panel 3]
I think she's just got it
to make sure we're really,
really worried about her.

I'm not sure why it would.

Personally I refuse to worry about
a knitted cactus. I just think
she's a bit cactus-oriented.

The time to worry is when
she starts sticking people's
names on the spikes.

[Panel 4]
I WOULD worry if she had
a knitted hand-grenade.

Good point.

Why doesn't anybody ever
knit hand grenades, anyway?

Why would they do that?

Well, once you pull on the wool...

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