Archive 20081012

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[Panel 1]
Have you finished the
documentation for the
last lot of upgrades?

No, I'm waiting for it
to seem like fun.

And I'm waiting to pretend to
read it, sign it off and go home.


[Panel 2]
You know, they have books about
overcoming procrastination.

Funny, that, Bell got me
one a few years back. Never
got round to reading it.

They have them on tape too.

[Panel 3]
So that I could listen on my
commute? Walking all of a mile and
a half down the Commercial Road?


Anyway, there you go.
Should be in your mailbox.

All right, HOW did you do that?

[Panel 4]
I decided it was less boring
to write an automatic
documentation generator.

Great. Now I'm going to
have to READ it to see if
your program screwed up.

I did send you a copy
of the automatic
reviewer as well...

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