Archive 20090906

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[Panel 1]
Morning, Nils, Anything interesting
happen on the night shift?

Yah, they mugged
the pizza boy again.

Oh, the poor lad!

[Panel 2]
He seems to have got used to
it by now. I got the security
guard to let him in for a
bit, and gave him a mug of
Jaakko's special coffee.

I say again my last.

He said it's the shop's bike, not
his, and bruises heal soon enough.

[Panel 3]
All those security cameras we
have to walk under every day,
but they still can't catch them...

Not trying very hard, I
reckon. No profit in it.

There ought to be
SOMETHING we can do!

[Panel 4]
Well, actually... I was feeling a
bit sleepy overnight, so I'd
ordered a Turbo Fireball Triple-
Threat Habanero Special.

Do I want to know?

If they ate the pizza they scaled,
the cops will be able to track
them down by the scorch-marks.

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