[Panel 1]
You'll never guess what
I... hey, what's going on?
Groo. Spring cold I think.
There is no Elizabeth.
There is only the
Virus Collective.
Oh, not again. Stay over
there and don't infect me.
[Panel 2]
Infecting you would be
far too much like hard work.
Though if you
wouldn't mind
sliding over a
fresh bottle
of gin while
you're here...
I can do better than that!
The trip home at Christmas
won't be wasted after all!
I hate to think what she's
up to. Cue up the next film.
[Panel 3]
Thinking is too much like hard
work too. How many versions of
Beowulf do you HAVE, anyway?
Eleven. Including a bootleg
of the Schools TV version.
Jislaaik, we'll be here all night!
Ta-da! Granny's Traditional Tonic.
Mum told me the recipe.
[Panel 4]
I can smell the booze from here.
By the time you wake up again,
your colds will be gone!
But then who will watch the films?
Can't we do that when we're fit?
Oh, no. They're all bad
enough that you don't want
to watch them healthy.
Or sober.
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