Archive 20120708

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[Panel 1]

Um, hello?

And slippers. Now.

I feel a need to be Normal.

[Panel 2]
That's not very like you!
Are you all right?

I went to the second floor
of the library today.

That's QUITE normal, isn't it?

Yes, it's only above the
tenth or so you need the
hard hat and climbing gear.

[Panel 3]
But the book cleaners were in.

Book... cleaners?

I didn't know either.

And that's the point. They're
seriously nifty and I had
no idea they existed.

[Panel 4]
I bet they don't know
how to make farts.

I'm a FAILURE... what?

Or how you know when you've
added enough cinnamon.

You may have a point.
Still want a pipe, though.

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