Archive 20120722

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[Panel 1]
[Caz] I've got pictures for most of
the Major Arcana, but I still need
to sort something for the Tower.

How do you arrange a
lightning strike on demand?

Lacking a terawatt laser
(alas), you can launch a
spool of wire into a storm
on a sounding rocket.

I think people might notice that.

[Panel 2]
I thought that was the idea!

...and stop me before
I'd got the picture.

What tower are
you planning
to use, anyway?

Well, since you mention it...

[Panel 3]
OH no. None of the Canada
Square buildings, please.

Last time someone called in a
bomb threat they kept us all
inside for HOURS, and there's
not even a decent pub there.

No, no, perish the
thought (dammit).

How about the Olympic tower thingy?

What, that roller-coaster job?

[Panel 4]
Ooooooooh. And there's an
observation platform, so we can
throw the dummies off that.

You know, if I leave now, I
I might just barely not be
an accessory before the fact.

Hey, I think Jaakko's still
got that bicycle-powered
Wimshurst machine!

...and I'm too late.
My round, I think?

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