[Panel 1]
All right then, what about the complete
bootlegs from Manufactured Romance? They'd
be expensive to track down, surely?
Hmm. Some guy in
Australia uploaded
them last year.
They'll be on the
house server
Darn. Er... a billiard table?
Where would we put it?
[Panel 2]
There must be SOMETHING I want
that I can spend money on!
It's not NATURAL!
YOU'RE all right. Most
of the things I want can't
be had for mere money.
I mean, if I ever left my job, I wouldn't
be able to visit an original Piers Plowman
any more. Never mind two of them.
And nothing in the world could buy a second
manuscript of Gawain and the Green Knight.
[Panel 3]
And all the software I use is
free by design. I can send 'em
money, but I'm not BUYING things.
I could use a couple
of grand for a bigger
house server, mind.
Every time someone spends money
on computers, a fairy dies.
That explains the ratty old hardware we
have at the library, then. A lot of the
management are away with the fairies...
[Panel 4]
I could get a great big beautiful car!
Where would you drive it?
Er, to visit... um... but then I
couldn't drink anything... hmmm....
Anyway, if you wanted to park
it in the courtyard we'd have
to move the braaistand.
AND the wholemeal sandals cafe
would think you're completely
eco-unfriendly, and never accept
another parcel for you.
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