Archive 20130331

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[Panel 1]
[Nils] OUGHT to work...

Evening, you two.

What are you planning now?

Leave him alone. This plan
is too mad even for me.

[Panel 2]
...a few thousand litres of
stoichiometric butane-air...

Which is not to say that
it might not be great fun.

And expensive, I should think.

...aiming it would be tricky...

Aiming what at what?

[Panel 3]
Firing something at
intruding cats? I hope?

...but the pilot wouldn't be
able to recover in time...

I fear it is helicopters.

He's thinking of
firing something
at helicopters? Why?

If you have to ask...

[Panel 4]
Because, as the
fellow said,
they are THERE.

Well, they ARE annoying.

But even so... I
mean, killing them...

Can't you just encase them
in jelly or something instead?

Now, THERE's an idea...

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