Archive 20140216

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# big room
[Panel 1]

Was that a braai, or what?

Well... the rain held
off... I SUPPOSE...

We're still going to have
to fetch Jaakko's bike
off the roof, you know.

[Panel 2]
How did it get there, anyway?

I think Caz made a bet with him.

At least it wasn't about his truck.

[Panel 3]
I still think if you're
not from South Africa it
can't be a REAL braai.

Do all South Africans
have the knack, then?

South African
MEN, obviously.


Well, no, Jo'burgers don't
have the first idea.

[Panel 4]

Don't make me laugh!
And as for Cape Town...

This is going to end up with
the only true braai being you
and your neighbours, isn't it?

Jislaaik! You don't want to let my
old neighbours at it, they'll burn
the sausages and eat the coal!

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