Archive 20170702

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[Panel 1]
The world makes so
much more sense now.

Uh-oh. I know you
were riding up north
somewhere, but...

I saw a Sign.

[Panel 2]
Well, it's a traditional
thing to do if
you're on the road.

"Prepare To Meet
Thy God", it said.

MOST signs just say
"hill" or "sharp bend".

[Panel 3]
This one was clearly Special.
So was the next one
just down the road.

"Too Late,
You Missed Him"?

No, much simpler.
"Adult Shop and Cocktails".

[Panel 4]
What, not a roadside chapel?

A god is a
god, whatever
shape it takes.

Probably more useful to
the average motorist anyway.

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