Archive 20190106

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[Panel 1]
Bah humbug.

You can't humbug
after Twelfth Night,
it's bad luck.

Back at work?

Of course. Aren't you?

[Panel 2]
You know how I
get an academic
level of salary?


I also get an academic level
of leave. So the place was
closed between Christmas and
the New Year, and I go back
to work on, er, February.

[Panel 3]
Gah. I had to pay leave
for everything except
the Bank Holidays.

Leave? What's that?
That's when you don't
have two shifts back
to back, right?

Maybe you should let your
underlings do it sometimes.

[Panel 4]
But they might get things wrong.

Or worse, they might
get things RIGHT and
then they wouldn't
need me any more!

Mandi's too distracted
to start a revolution,
and Citz is too lazy.

You could always run a
coup against yourself, just
to keep your hand in.

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