Archive 20190113

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# work
[Panel 1]

What, again?

Anything I need to
do something about?

[Panel 2]
Apparently using
contractors is
too expensive.

Oh dear.

Ag, there are only three
people who know the system well
enough to fix it. And they're
all in this room and working
for Ratel Consulting.

[Panel 3]
But they can spend even more to buy
in a whole new system from Microsoft.

And Microsoft can buy
the bosses better
lunches than we can.

Even with you on side? No, that's
solving the wrong problem.

[Panel 4]
Yes, a bit of tactical food
poisoning should get the job done.

I have some
very old meat...

That would be cruel. So we ALSO
drop the delay factor by about
thirty per cent, after we've stayed
late to work on it for a few weeks
(which was why we weren't at the
fatal lunch). Then our code
outperforms even the rigged demo.

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