Archive 20181223

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[Panel 1]
At least the bosses did not try to
get us Mere Contractors to the
company Christmas party this year.


Yes, it was hard work getting
them to leave us out. Never say
I don't do anything for you.

[Panel 2]
You cannot win. Either you get
plastered on nasty lager and stink
of aldehydes next day...

Or you stay sober
and everyone calls
you anti-social.

Meanwhile, Christmas
is coming, the pig
is getting fat...

[Panel 3]
Isn't it the goose?

You keep your
traditions and
I'll keep mine.

Are you keeping the
IMPORTANT tradition?

[Panel 4]
Yes. Boxing Day Braai.
Even if it snows.

Especially if it snows.

The fires you build, I
don't suppose we'll even
NOTICE the snow.

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