Archive 20190602

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[Panel 1]
Hwæt! It's time
to think about
Essen again.

I suppose. I've been
putting it off because
of not knowing about

So all the nearby hotels
will be booked up.

[Panel 2]
That's OK, the parking under the
convention centre is pretty cheap.

I think they might
object to you
sleeping in the car.

Oh, sure. But with a booked
parking space, I can find a
cheaper hotel in the next
town and commute in each day.

[Panel 3]
What about the beer?

I don't usually drink
much on site. Too
busy playing games.

Get me a room
too, would you?

I thought you stayed with your
friend at the university?

[Panel 4]
She spawned. Three-month-old
bundle of diseases and noise.

Ew. Point taken.
But hang on... you
barely sleep anyway.

Sure, but I'm going to
need somewhere to put
my clothes while I fill
the car with new games...

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