Archive 20191215

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[Panel 1]
Doing anything
over Christmas?

Er, running a pub?

Oh well. It's just that if
you're busy, and Elizabeth's
off to Beograd to hang
around with game designers…

[Panel 2]
At this time of year?

Well, while we still can…
I think the idea is to be
indoors drinking plum brandy.

[Panel 3]
Not that you're jealous at all.

I'm just not sure my
liver can survive another
Christmas with Jaakko.

You've spent it on your
own before. Why not again?

[Panel 4]
Not enough solitaire boardgames.

You could always catch up on all
that code you promised to write.
I mean, you usually enjoy that.

If the swearing is
anything to go by…

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