Archive 20191229

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[Panel 1]
And then the ghost's player
had to do a sort of pantomime…

Oh, thanks for the
reminder. I need to
put down something
for OUR ghost.

I thought that was
Father Christmas?

Father Christmas doesn't
get a half of mild.

[Panel 2]
THAT's what I've been doing wrong!

Are you
the ghost?

I've got to keep him sweet
or Citz will never forgive me.
She still hasn't seen him.

But he's right there,
every afternoon!

[Panel 3]
Not all of us have
your… sensitivity.

All right, I'll
prove it. Look
over there.

Stop thinking
about computers
for a minute.


You can do it! Think about beer.

[Panel 4]
I'm not seeing… Jislaaik,
when did he come in?

See? If I can do it
for him, surely I
can do it for Citz.

You'll have to get
HER to stop thinking
about Vegan Analogue
Witch House.

You dissin' my tunes, grandma?

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