Archive 20210718

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[Panel 1]
Right. Everything is cleaned,
ready for the rush tomorrow.

Cleaned again.

What would you know, you're male.

[Panel 2]
True, if the dirt is moving
you have a bigger problem.

And the beer is ready
and the food is ready
and the staff are ready…

And only the last
of THOSE is moving.

[Panel 3]
Only when I watch them.
Otherwise they lurk in
the cellar to cool off.

Hmm. Moving only when
observed. There might
be something in that…

No anomalous physics in my pub!

[Panel 4]
It's bad enough cleaning up after
Elizabeth's madrigal group.

Loathesome slime?

More like a bevel and an exorcism
kit, and I stop when the corners
have gone back to square…

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