Archive 20220227

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[Panel 1]
So that's that then. Everything's
fine forever and we all
throw our masks away.

…nice one, you
almost had me
believing you.

And now you know why I have a
mask that looks like fancy dress.

Because it's fancy dress
that works like a mask.

[Panel 2]
I assume we're all
stocking up on tests?

Getting them
sent to work.

No, no point.

[Panel 3]
Why not? They have
long expiry dates.

My cupboard of tests
is already full from
stocking up last month.

I mean, I'm not going to go and
randomly infect people just
because the government says I
shouldn't be considerate any more.

[Panel 4]
AND we're all supposed
to be back in the office.

I'm all right, I can hide
in the stacks all day,
but someone needs to be
on the front desk to
talk to the students.

Well, you could borrow my
flamethrower experiment…?

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