Archive 20220410

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[Panel 1]

No doom!


Don't care. I am rejecting
consensus reality and
substituting my own.

[Panel 2]
Which in practice means?

No more news, no more
political discussions,
no more constant flow
of things meant to
make me feel scared.

But what about actually scary things?

[Panel 3]
Nils is lending me his spare panga.

Caution: This
Librarian Is Armed.

"Oh dear I was in fear for my life
and just happened to pick up this
bookbinding tool I had to hand."

[Panel 4]
Not bad, now try again with a bit
more of a quaver in your voice.

[bordercolour red]
[bodycolour black]
[textcolour white]
Y'ai'ng'ngah, Yog-Sothoth,
H'ee-L'geb F'ai Throdog.


[size 10]
Or there's that. Not sure why
you need the knife really.

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