Archive 20220417

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[Panel 1]

That'll be a pint of
Old Headcracker, then?

Might as well. Can't do any harm.

[Panel 2]
What have you done now?

Well, I've been putting
off a bit of coding for
work, because it was
going to be boring.

Oh poor Nils, how terrible
to have to do boring things.

[Panel 3]
Shut up, he explained.

Anyway today I sat down
to do it, and guess what?

Jaakko had already done it?

[Panel 4]
I had already done it.

Over a year ago.

Well, clearly it WAS
boring, so you forgot
all about it.

But since then I've been
wasting time working round
the bug in the old codeā€¦

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