Archive 20230709

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[Panel 1]
…so they've gone off for
another gaming weekend,
leaving the place to me…


What is your hmm? It sounds evil.

[Panel 2]
Here's a warm weekend, and
there's Nils's braaistand
just SITTING there, unloved.


I mean, we don't have the keys
to the sausage fridge, but…

[Panel 3]
I do. In case of escape.

Oh. OH.

Is he ever going to forgive
us? Is Elizabeth?

[Panel 4]
We'll keep some back for
when they turn up. Evening
braai is best braai.

Which just leaves this place…

Oi, Citz! Want to
earn some extra
cash on Sunday?

Yeah. Nothing illegal,
unless you ask nicely.

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