Archive 20111218

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[Panel 1]


Just occurs to me.

We haven't had a notification
for the Work Christmas Party.

[Panel 2]
We're contractor scum, remember?

We don't get invited.

But has anyone
told the boss?

Why would we do that?

Because otherwise she'll
be the only one from
our floor who turns up.

[Panel 3]
Nils, I'm going to ask you for
a really big sacrifice...

OH no.

I'm NOT going to
another of those bloody
parties just to keep
the boss happy.

I've got admin rights on
the logistics server.

[Panel 4]
Turn up, and I'll make sure
there's something worth
drinking for a change.

You drive a hard
bargain, woman...

AND I'll let you have
the leftovers from the
Mediaeval Christmas
Feast next week.

You twisted my arm. But it
had better be roast goose.

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