Archive 20150301

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[Panel 1]
Right, so my B-wing has wiped
out three of your TIEs...

It's a man's life in
the Imperial Navy.

You'd think they would at
least give you some shields.

That would imply they valued our
lives. I do not think that is
really compatible with the Space
Nazi way of doing things.

[Panel 2]
Next you will be saying we
should get flight training.

You don't?

Think of it more as
work experience.

Or possibly Bring Your
Daughter to Work Day.

[Panel 3]
Now I'm going to feel all
guilty about killing you.


But not very. My A-Wing
is firing his assault
missiles at your leader.

[Panel 4]
Which is... a point of damage
for everyone close to him.

That is one of your
ships too, you know.

But we still have shields
and you, well, didn't.

We went down fighting! Or
at least frantically looking
for the fire button.

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