Archive 20150517

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[Panel 1]
Steve, someone's dumped a load
of scrap by the back door.

No, that's for us. Cup
Final's in two weeks.

I'll get some window grilles welded
together soon. I know a bloke.

[Panel 2]
That's not usually a problem, is
it? It's a reasonable crowd round
these parts. Any local teams in it?

No, but I don't trust
'em. It's too quiet.

[style 8way]
[textcolour orange]

[Panel 3]
Told you! Get to
the shelter, woman!

Do you mean
the cellar?

No need, that's
one of ours.

You what?

[Panel 4]
That's a Nils Special firework
charge. I've heard all too many of
the bloody things while he's been
working out the recipe with Jaakko.

Well he shouldn't be
bloody doing it where
it might get noticed!

I'm sure he'll have a
perfectly good alibi and
no powder trace to be found.

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