Camille |
Nils |
Slaughterbot |
[Panel 1]
That's it then, Camille. They've
all gone off for Christmas.
[style 8way]
Just you and me.
Well, and Beatrice.
And the cat's
around somewhere.
And the slaughterbot.
[Panel 2]
And an indeterminate
number of mice.
And a more-than-usually-
venomous surströmming
that Jaakko wanted me
to look after for him.
In fact it's a bit bloody
INFESTED round here.
Time for a winter clean.
I'm sure I can modify the
slaughterbot a bit...
[Panel 3]
[style rect]
Twelve hours later...
I don't get it. It ought
to be easy. Kill all humans,
kill all pests, that's not
so very different is it?
[size 11.5]
[textcolour SteelBlue4]
[font Amelia_BT.ttf]
...preserve only the factories,
railroads, machines,
mines, and raw materials...
[Panel 4]
No, no, "preserve only the immobile
food, bedding, and furniture"!
Bloody machine, I don't know how
you expect to take over the world.
And you can shut up, you don't
even move for your... self...
Hey, Camille, how would you like
to have a robot chariot to ride?
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