Archive 20180805

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[Panel 1]
Well, I 'ad to throw 'im out.

He wouldn't stop
talking about
That Thing.


That Thing We Don't
Mention 'Cos It
Annoys The Landlady.

Oh. Oh! Right. Good. Carry on then.

[Panel 2]
She's working out well, isn't she?

Yes, a proper set
of priorities.

Hang on, when did
you start thinking
like management?

First weeks you had this
place, when you were doing
everything yourself.

[Panel 3]

Well, I suppose.
It just doesn't
seem like you.

And I was getting
over this bass player.

THAT seems more like you.

You can't 'elp it, you like
to think you're in charge.

[Panel 4]
Steve was the same.

It's all for your
own good, you know.

So basically
I'm here to do
the paperwork?


Well, I wouldn't mind a hand on
the bar later if you're free....

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