Archive 20190317

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[Panel 1]
Got a question for you, Bell.
You keep going on about soft
southerners, and I don't mind
admitting I feel the cold a bit.

You can't help
it. You're more
southern than most.

So why d'you keep
this place so
nice and warm?

Because I don't want
my customers going to
Whereforespoon's just
because it's a bit hotter.

[Panel 2]
But what about you?

Step round
to the back
for a minute.

Oi, Citz,
for one!

# off
Right-oh, boss.

[Panel 3]
[style rect]
One look in the back later


Mulled mead? Don't
try to say yes, just
shiver up and down.


AND it's good for the beer, AND
it stops people from standing
around having a natter when
they should be working.

[Panel 4]
In fact keeping it nice and
cold keeps out people who don't
belong. Well, except for


Maybe I should get a
vicious dog? But it
would get bored with
nobody to eat, and
Erasmus would object.

My sister's guard-pig
has just had a litter...

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