Archive 20210613

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[Panel 1]
So next week we find out if we can
go back to being a normal pub.

And the Collective finds out
if we can have our meetings in
your upstairs room again.

Oh, are you not happy
meeting out here?

[Panel 2]
Don't get me wrong, it's lovely,
but there's only the one 20-amp
feed. In your meeting room we
can drop an extension cable
across from the kitchen and
get on the other ring too.

Do I know about this?

That's why we pay you twice the
room rent anyone else does.

[Panel 3]
And here was I thinking it was
because you didn't drink enough
for Steve to be happy letting
you have the room all the time.

Well, even he had to admit that
power tools plus eleventeen
pints of Sheepshagger Gold might
not be the best combination.

[Panel 4]
Especially after Char got
ratted and rebuilt the stairs
to the roof one evening while
Steve wasn't paying attention.

It's a very nice staircase!

It used not to be spiral.

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