Archive 20210912

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[Panel 1]
Nils, we need to talk.

Should I go away?


This concerns you too.

[Panel 2]
It's about Essen.

I have my EU
vaccination pass.

Shut up. For the rest of
us it's expensive tests,
at least three of them.

[Panel 3]
And breathing the air of 100,000
people from all over the world.

In masks!
They are doing

Yeah, but still, people. Who'll be
taking off their masks to eat. And
anyway, look around you and see how
good they are at basic sterile working.

[Panel 4]
So I was thinking… maybe we
don't go this year after all?

Phew, I was wondering
if I was going to have
to say that to you.

Humph. Well, we shall
just have to put on our
own Essen right here.

So first I'll need to buy
a bunch of new games…

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