Archive 20220508

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[Panel 1]
Your cat isn't earning its food.

Whose cat?

Yours when it sits
there ignoring a
mouse on the stairs.

Perhaps she was off shift.

[Panel 2]
Well if it's turning
down a fat slow mouse it's
obviously being fed too much.

Or the mouse wasn't
in enemy uniform.

Did you check for a red cross,
or crescent, or crystal?

[Panel 3]
I'd have thought that cats
would be first in the queue
not to respect the laws of war.

Let's face it, if they had
the chance, they'd be pushing
nuclear warheads off tables
just to enjoy the bang.

ANYway. I'm sure
she'll get round to it.

[Panel 4]
Before or after the mouse
eats all the cat food?

Fish-stuffed mouse
au gratin?

If that shows up on the pub menu…

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