[Panel 1]
So come on, Jaakko,
what was that with all
the policemen earlier?
Ah, nothing important.
They were looking pretty heavy.
And I know they travel mob-handed
these days, but SIX of them?
Yes, and it's not like
Derek to let ANYBODY
out of a meeting early.
[Panel 2]
Look, boet, if it's
trouble, you know we'll
help if we can...
It's not a big deal, ok?
Good. So tell us -- or
was it just an excuse
to duck the meeting?
Oh, come on, would I?
Yes. If you reckoned
it was worth bribing
six of them. I wish
I'd thought of it.
[Panel 3]
The meeting was that bad, huh?
Then I forgive them.
Forgive them for WHAT?
You know they put
a stupid 30mph
speed-limit in the
Limehouse tunnel?
[Panel 4]
They clocked
someone on a cycle
doing sixty there
this morning.
Oh, Jaakko, you DIDN'T!
Who, me? Would I?
Anyhow, they can't
prove it. No number
plates on a cycle.
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