Archive 20071202

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[Panel 1]
You'll laugh.

It's Derek again.

As always. What this time?

You know he said we'd never have
another big Christmas drinks party?

Er. Yes...

[Panel 2]
After what you did
with that lighter.

Hey, it was a JOKE!

They called an ambulance!

It was a GOOD joke.

Well. Anyway. So he's said
there'll be only twelve of
us to a lunch, instead.

Including his boss.

[Panel 3]
Apart from the boss
that sounds good! When?

That's the joke. He didn't book
it. Now he can't find anywhere
inside the M25 before March.

Oh dear, poor Derek.
My heart bleeds.

So he's going frantic all over the
office. He's starting to talk about
caterers and a hundred quid a head.

omigod, does he get a
bonus? At that rate we can
make him spend it all!

[Panel 4]
But this is not funny.

When he screws up they
might transfer him. We might
get someone even worse!

Can't be done.

Remember when we
had Anastasia?

Aarrgh! You're right.
It's a CRISIS!

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