Archive 20080727

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[Panel 1]
Personally I think the
whole thing was brilliant.

So long as they don't catch me.

We are talking about the
Homeland Security people
under an alias, right?

Yah. Always reminds me of
dictatorships, that name. Don't
tell Nils, but I heard it about
South Africa first, and then
Hitler, and then Bush...

[Panel 2]
Well, whatever
they're called,
the chances are
they won't ever
work it out.

I suppose.

And anyway, you gave
it back, didn't you?

What would I want it for? I was
making better bombs than they know
about by the time I was ten.

So what are you worrying for?

[Panel 3]
Nothing to do with that. It's
all those people getting rid
of bicycles on Freecycle.


You know, I was looking over Nils'
shoulder the other day and I
saw an exercise cycle on offer.

Jumalauta! Those things
are just obscene! At least
he was getting rid of it.

[Panel 4]
It said "It has served
me well for many years..."

Served to stop him
getting any fresh air!

"... as a clothes hangar."

Now THAT makes sense.
All they're fit for.

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