Archive 20100926

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[Panel 1]
Yes, I'm sure the
computers were horrible

(they usually are)

but I bet YOUR day
didn't include a goat.

I admit you have me there.

[Panel 2]
I thought you said it was a third
floor flat you were doing up.

It is. But as
soon as we went
in, there it was.

Eating the old curtains
and bleating horribly.

But how did it get there?

[Panel 3]
Search me! The window
was open, so maybe...

Did you call anyone?

The police. And they called
a farmer to take it away.

Did they find out whose it was?

[Panel 4]
No idea. It's not as though
they have registration numbers.

Cute fluffy baby
goat, abandoned when
it started to grow?

Delivery from Goats R Us,
sent to the wrong address?

Just don't tell Jaakko, or he'll be
after it with the sausage-machine...

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